Frequently Asked Questions

What is Docuvett?

Docuvett is a secure document solutions platform for storing, sharing and vetting digital documents.

What is document vetting?

Document vetting is the process of establishing ownership and recording the interactions of persons or organisations with a document.

What is a vetted document?

A vetted document signifies that an agreement has been reached by verified entities that the contents of a document are true.

What is the difference between document vetting and document verification?

The difference of document vetting to document verification is the persistence of the verified details of the vetting entity on the Docuvett platform. This enables future scrutiny of the document or digital asset.

What are the different STATUS codes on the Document View?

1. None – file uploaded, but no action taken
2. Shared – file shared with a one or more people (either Docuvett Platform or public)
3. Awaiting Vetting Outcome – one or more people are required to perform vetting
4. Vetting Complete – one or more people have completed vetting
5. Vetting Rejected – one ore more people have rejected vetting

What is the minimum age to have a Docuvett account?

18 is the minimum age to register and maintain an account with Docuvett.